Solar FAQs

Is Your Home Right for Solar?

Solar panels can be effective for most homes if specific conditions are met. Firstly, you must own the home or get the owner’s approval for solar installation. Your roof should be strong, in good condition, and ideally between 5 and 10 years old.

Keep in mind, asphalt shingle roofs often need replacement every 15 to 25 years. Sometimes, it’s advisable to replace your roof before adding solar panels. Ensure your roof is positioned to receive maximum sunlight exposure, with minimal or no shade.

Residential solar is a suitable choice for energy savings and environmental benefits if your home satisfies these conditions.

Why should I consider switching to solar energy with CapStone Solar?

Switching to solar energy with CapStone Solar not only reduces your carbon footprint but also significantly lowers your electricity bills. Our solar solutions are designed for efficiency, sustainability, and reliability, ensuring you get the best return on your investment.

How do solar panels work?

Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity using photovoltaic (PV) cells. When sunlight hits a PV cell, it generates an electrical current. This DC (Direct Current) electricity is then converted to AC (Alternating Current) electricity through an inverter, powering your home or business.

Can CapStone Solar handle the entire solar installation process?

Absolutely. CapStone Solar manages the entire installation process, from initial assessment and design to obtaining permits, installation, and final inspection. Our team ensures a hassle-free process, keeping you informed every step of the way.

How long does a solar panel system last?

Solar panel systems are designed to be durable and long-lasting. Most solar panels come with a 25 to 30-year warranty, but they can continue to produce electricity well beyond that, often up to 40 years with minimal degradation in performance.

Will solar panels work during a power outage?

Standard solar panel systems do not operate during a power outage to ensure the safety of utility workers. However, systems equipped with battery storage or specific grid-independent technologies can provide power during outages.

CapStone Solar offers solutions for energy independence, including battery backups and SPAN Panel installations.

Are there incentives for going solar?

Yes, there are various federal, state, and local incentives available for solar energy systems, including tax credits, rebates, and grants. CapStone Solar will help you navigate these incentives to maximize your savings and investment returns.

How does solar impact my property value?

Installing solar panels can significantly increase your property’s value. Homes with solar energy systems often sell faster and at a premium compared to non-solar homes, making it a wise investment for the future.

Can I afford to go solar?

Solar energy systems have become more affordable than ever, thanks to technological advancements and available financing options. CapStone Solar offers various financing solutions, including leases, loans, and PPAs (Power Purchase Agreements), making solar accessible to a wide range of budgets.

We also have partnerships with local organizations, such as Olympia Community Solar, which helps bring affordable solar to their communities.

How do I get started with CapStone Solar?

Getting started is easy. Contact us to schedule a free consultation. Our team will assess your energy needs, evaluate your property for solar potential, and provide you with a tailored proposal. With CapStone Solar, you’re on your way to cleaner, more affordable energy.

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